Quick Info




3726 Broadway Ave
Suite 206
Everett, WA 98201


Generally What to Expect

What to Expect Your Day of Surgery

Upon arriving at the Gateway Surgery Center, please park on the second floor parking lot on the corner of 37th and Lombard.  Go through the glass entry and then the door directly in front of you.  Follow the hallway past the elevators to the Gateway Surgery Center waiting room.  Please check in with the receptionist at Suite 206.

Pre-operative Phase 

A Registered Nurse will invite you into the surgery center.  Your family member or friend will need to remain in the lobby (unless needed for ambulation or translation). The nurse will direct you to the restroom and you will be asked to change into a patient gown,  put on a surgical cap and anti-slip socks.  This is important because you are going into a sterile operating room.  The nurse will take your vital signs and start an IV (intravenous) line, and also sign a consent form with you. Your surgeon, your anesthesiologist, and your operating room Registered Nurse will speak to you before your surgery. 

Next, your OR nurse will accompany you to the operating room and will act as your advocate while you are in surgery.  They will greet you in the preoperative area with a number of questions like this; "Would you please state your name, who is your physician, what procedure are we performing today, please point to the area where we will be operating, are you allergic to anything and did you eat or drink anything past midnight?" They will take you to the operating room and will remain with you until your procedure is completed, then accompany you to the recovery area where they will transfer your care to a recovery room Registered Nurse.

Operative Phase

The time you spend in the operating room will depend upon the type of surgical procedure. You can ask your doctor in advance how long your surgery is anticipated to last.

Recovery Phase

One of your recovery nurses will be monitoring your heart rate, blood pressure and breathing. You will remain in their care until you are awake, have your pain managed, and your vital signs are stable. When you are awake and alert enough, you will be taken to our Phase II area where you will be readied for discharge. The nurse in this area will offer you beverages and a snack and your family member or friend will be brought to your side. You will be assessed to see if you meet our discharge criteria and if you do then you will be discharged into the care of a responsible adult.

Going Home!

The discharge nurse will accompany you to your mode of transportation so that you can go home and recover.  For your safety YOU MUST have a friend or family member drive you home and stay with you at least 24hrs after surgery.  The recovery nurse will also give you a call the next business day to see how you are doing and to answer any questions you might have.

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