Before Your Surgery
Before your surgery
Gateway Surgery Center wants to make your experience as pleasant as possible. This information will answer many of the questions you may have about your surgery. Please review this information carefully.
Prior to the day of Surgery:
The following instructions are very important and MUST be followed, otherwise it may be necessary to cancel your surgery.
You will receive a preoperative call 24-48 hrs prior to surgery from a Registered Nurse who will review which medications you should take and not take the morning of surgery. Also, the nurse will review your allergies, verify correct surgery site, and may have a few more questions to ask before your surgery day.
- Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your surgery, including water, juice, coffee, chewing gum or mints, unless instructed otherwise by the surgical center pre-operative nurse.
- Do not drink alcoholic beverages or take recreational drugs 48 hours prior to surgery.
- Smoking may cause problems with anesthesia. It is highly recommended you do not smoke the evening prior to surgery.
- Do not take aspirin, aspirin products, Vitamin E, Motrin, Ibuprofen, Aleve, Advil or any herb or garlic supplement for one week prior to your surgery, unless otherwise instructed by your doctor.
- Tell your doctor if you take Coumadin, Plavix, Ticlid, Aspirin, Heparin, Lovenox or other blood thinners.
- Notify your doctor and the surgical center staff if you have an insulin pump, internal or external device such as a pacemaker or defibrillator.
- Notify your doctor and the surgical center staff IMMEDIATELY if you suspect you are pregnant.
- Arrange for an adult to drive you to and from the Surgical Center if you are undergoing anesthesia.
- Remove all nail polish and body piercings. If having hand, arm, leg or foot surgery, all jewelry must be removed (including gems used to decorate nail art.) If unable to remove jewelry, please consider visiting a jeweler for removal. Otherwise, jewelry may need to be cut off on the day of surgery, which may result in damage to your jewelry.
- Bring your insurance card and any co-pay that will be collected at time of service
The day of your surgery
Please follow these guidelines on the day of your surgery:
- If you do not feel well on the day of your surgery, please call your doctor’s office, as well as the surgical center at 425-374-5160 to determine whether your surgery may be cancelled. If after hours, kindly leave a message with the surgical center answering service.
- Medications should be taken as instructed by the surgical center pre-operative nurse.
- Bathe or shower the night before or morning of surgery to minimize risk of infection. Please do not use makeup, fragrance, or deodorant and NO JEWELRY OR PIERCINGS.
- Yes, you may brush your teeth and gargle with water.
- Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing. Garments should be able to accommodate a bulky dressing and tender surgical sites. For instance, if you are having foot or knee surgery, consider loose sweat pants with a wide rim leg. For shoulder surgery, consider a loose soft tee shirt and an oversized, buttoned-down shirt.
- If you are going to be using crutches, please wear a closed back shoe (no sandals, clogs or heels).
- Please leave jewelry and other valuables at home. While we make best efforts to protect your belongings, they are best secured by leaving them at home. The surgical center will not be responsible for lost items.
- You will have to remove your contact lenses, so bring a case and solution for storing. Better yet, wear your glasses and bring the case.
- If you use inhalers, bring them.
- If you use a CPAP machine, bring it with you in case of prolonged recovery time
- Please refrain from smoking the day of surgery.
- If you normally use equipment or device for support or assistance, such as a walker or crutches, please bring them with you. If you might need a surgical sling or brace or special shoe and you already have it, please don’t forget to bring it with you to the surgery center.
- Please leave your home in plenty of time to arrive at the time specified during your pre-operative call. If you are going to be late, kindly call the surgical center at 425-374-5160.
- If you are undergoing anesthesia (other than local anesthesia), a responsible adult must drive you to and from the surgical center and stay with you for the first 24 hrs following your procedure.
- If you are undergoing anesthesia (other than local anesthesia), and have children, please consider making childcare arrangements for the first 24 hours following your surgery, as you may be incapacitated and/or drowsy.
- You will have the opportunity to speak with your doctor and the anesthesiologist prior to surgery. Please be prepared to ask any questions you may have.